Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Consistently Divisive Rhetoric of President Obama

This is something Victor Davis Hanson has been highlighting for years.

See Jay Cost, at the Weekly Standard, "Uncommonly Partisan":
In the wake of last week’s mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard, as first responders were tending the victims, police were searching for more culprits, and the nation’s capital was entering lockdown, President Barack Obama gave a speech. This normally would not be news. After all, the president is a loquacious man, and, moreover, the country now expects the president to be therapist-in-chief whenever some sort of disaster, human or natural, occurs.

But Obama’s speech was different from what one would expect. After a few rote words of condolence to the victims, he went after his political opponents with vehemence, charging them with fiscal recklessness and a disregard for the plight of the middle class, and mocking them for wanting to repeal Obamacare. It was a remarkably tone-deaf presentation considering the events of the day. But it was par for the course for this administration, which is one of the most partisan we have seen in the last 60 years.
Emily Miller made similar points on the day of the speech, focusing especially on the gun control angle.

But seriously, Obama's not only the most partisan president we've had in 60 years, he's the worst president. Indeed, he's the worst ever.

What a disgrace.

More at that top link.