Saturday, March 22, 2014

'Microaggressions': The Left's Latest Bogus 'Racism' Meme

I first heard about "microaggression" last November during the flap at UCLA, where Professor Val Rust was attacked for correcting mistakes on writing assignments:
About 25 students participated in the sit-in, in the classroom of Val Rust, professor emeritus of education. Watson – a student in that class – said Rust’s course was one of many in which students of “color and consciousness” have experienced discrimination. Of about 10 students in the class, 5 participated in the sit-in. Participants read a letter listing their complaints and a series of demands for reform. Regular coursework was suspended for about an hour because of the sit-in.

“A hostile campus climate has been the norm for Students of Color in this class throughout the quarter as our epistemological and methodological commitments have been repeatedly questioned by our classmates and our instructor,” the group’s letter reads. The statement accuses “the professor” (it does not identify Rust by name) of correcting “perceived grammatical choices that in actuality reflect ideologies” and “repeatedly questioning the value of our work on social identity and the related dynamics of oppression, power and privilege.” The “barrage of questions by white colleagues and the grammar ‘lessons’ by the professor have contributed to a hostile class climate,” it continues.
Also, from William Jacobson, at Legal Insurrection from last year, "UCLA Prof accused of racist “micro-aggression” for correcting student grammar."

And tonight, "2014 – Year of the Microaggression."

That's great.

I tweeted to William last night as well, a piece from the New York Times: