Sunday, March 31, 2013

Generation Mooch

A great piece from Eliza Kern, at paidContent, "Generation Mooch? Why 20-somethings have a hard time paying for content":
I’m 22, and I took typing lessons in fourth grade, had computer classes on how to do Google searches and make Powerpoints in middle school, and joined Facebook when it launched in my early days of high school. Until I left for college, my family’s desktop computer was set to open to the New York Times homepage. (At the time, it was free for everyone.) My peers and I learned how to write research papers in high school by citing sources online and by not copying things from Wikipedia, and most of us read Hamlet with the assistance of We discovered music on YouTube, and a few lucky kids got smartphones in high school, which were ubiquitous by the time we hit college.

My generation has grown up connected to the internet, and we’ve never been at a loss for finding news and information on the web — for free.
She's a good writer. And her experience is true of her generation, for the most part. She reads more widely than most students I teach, but other than that, pretty interesting.

Continue reading.